On January 2, 2009, Taylor, Teri and I drove to California and stayed with my grandparents. We thought it'd be fun to get out of Salt Lake for a few days before we started school and we were right!
We went to Huntington Beach. Me and Taylor at the end of the pier. He enjoys pictures with me..

Me and Teri looking out at the water and the little kids playing. Taylor caught us zoning

This guy accidently caught a little octopus while fishing and he pulled it out to have people hold before he threw it back into the water. Teri loved it!

Derek, Brittany, and Jack paid us a visit on Sunday afternoon. It was so good seeing them. Jack is so cute and just learning how to walk when we were there, but now he is walking!

On Sunday before Derek, Brittany and Jack came, we went to the San Clemente pier and walked some of the beach trail and pier.

Down at the beach in San Clemente
The sunset while cruising back to San Clemente on PCH
Overall, we had a really good time cruising around the area and hanging out with family too. I'm glad we got to make the trip especially before we had to worry about school.