If everyone didn't already know yet I drove across country to go back home to Connecticut. My mom flew out to drive back with me...and Harley! All in all, I'd say it was a good experience. I'd ever want to do it again! I spent a lot of time at home watching movies then I went to Chelsea's wedding (few posts below) and then my best friend John Kutcher came to visit me! We did all sorts of fun stuff: went to Rockefeller Estate in New York, went to New York City with my friend Sarah, went to Newport Rhode Island with Sarah, and finally Sunapee New Hampshire to visit our good friend Kevin. And then we drove back to Utah together.
Graffitied wall in NYC, I've never seen it before and I thought it was the coolest thing ever, I want to see more walls like this :) I don't know how to undo the underline...sorry...

The Breakers mansion in Newport, Rhode Island. If I remember correctly it has a ballroom in the middle. I came here when I was probably 12 or 13 and all I remember is the ballroom and I most likely didn't want to be there...I'm sure we all went through the phase of hating family trips haha. Now that I'm older and more appreciative I'm definitely planning on revisiting a lot of sites that I saw when I was younger.

The fountain and lake in Central Park. I haven't been past the cement childrens playground on the south end? So we decided to walk further in, need to do it more often. On our way to the fountain we stopped to watch Ralph Lauren's Rugby brand photo shoot. I never realized how tall the women models were in real life....haha I always knew they were tall haha

Me and Sarah in Central Park :)