Right after the rail jam was done we headed out to Big Bear, California probably around 5pm. We decided it was a good idea to crash in Vegas for the night since we didn't know the housing situation in Bear yet so we didn't want to arrive at 3am without somewhere to stay. We ended up getting a really good deal at the South Point hotel in Vegas. Right down the street from Dunkin Donuts :) We were going to get up really early and drive to Bear and ski, but when the alarm went off we definitely did not want to get up! And the weather wasn't the best at the mountain so we just took our time.

^^Bear Mountain.
When we got to Big Bear we headed straight to the mountain to find friends and get house directions. We ended up sharing a house with a bunch of people we didn't know, but it was awesome getting to know them. We all went out to dinner the first night and all went bowling the second night.

John competed in War of Rails on Sunday (was on Saturday but it snow 20 inches instead!) and got 7th! There was a lot of good competition, but I know next year will be better ;) A new friend, (for me, not John) Craig Coker put on the War of Rails last year and it was pretty small, more of like a "test" competition so this year it was bigger and next year Craig plans for it to be even bigger!
John and I decided to stay in Big Bear 2 extra nights. Monday we took it slow. Slept in and went to breakfast with Salt Lake friends and then went skiing for the rest of the day. At sunset John, Giray, and new friend Brendan and a local skier did a sunset shoot on the course they just competed on. We're pretty excited to see the pictures after they're edited!
We stayed Monday night then headed down to San Clemente to visit with Grandma & Grandpa Simmons

^^San Clemente Pier. (I didn't take this) In San Clemente we just hung out and relaxed because we had been skiing and not getting much sleep over the weekend. We went up to Seal Beach for some delicious lunch and then went down to Huntington Beach and did some shopping and took pictures with my plastic camera on the beach. I'm hoping for good pics!
Thursday we picked up Sean from Claremont McKenna College and headed back up to Big Bear and skied more. It was a lot of fun. Then we headed straight down to San Diego and met Aaron and Mom there.

^^San Diego harbor. We didn't stay downtown, but we were pretty close. Thursday night we went out to dinner with Aaron, Sean and Mom and Grandma Marie and then hit the sack. The 3 of us were beat from skiing and Aaron and Mom were tired from flying all day.
Friday we went down to the outlet mall which is literally on the border of Mexico, they have a gnarly looking fence and everything...so crazy! but got some good stuff! And then we went out to dinner with more family: Grandma Marie, Grandpa Anthony, Antoinette, Myles & Carissa.

^^Mission Beach, San Diego. Craig lives in Mission Beach so me, John, Sean, and Aaron all went and walked on the beach and then we sat on the beach for awhile. I wore my swimsuit so I got to get a little sun time in :) Craig found us and we went over to his apartment and hung out for a while and then we had to go get ready for family pictures.

^^La Jolla, San Diego. We did family pictures here at sunset. Then all of us went over to Grandpa Anthony's house and ate pizza and delicious pasta and the boys played video games for a little bit, but by the end we were just sitting around talking, enjoying each others company. We tried to head back over to Mission Beach, but it didn't work out and John, Sean and I got up early to go home and we had to drop Sean off at school on the way.
It's so nice to be back in my own bed! Not stoked for school or work, but I had an awesome time and definitely took advantage of my time off!
Loved this guide! Super informative and well put together! Going to Florida and California tomorrow and will definitely check out!
I thank you very much for the such an amazing information about travelling .Keep it up continues.It's is an amazing a great information.
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