Cyclone at Coney Island<--no idea why it's blue and underlined don't click on it!
Vinny and John moving the fridge into the garage, had to take off more than one door!

Hello everyone! It's been awhile as always and a lot of things have happened since I last posted. Well, let's see, since California I've:
-finished school for the year, that went well, still gotta do better and work on my attendance :/
-went home to Connecticut. There I...
-saw old friends. Some more recently old as opposed to some that I haven't seen since that was fun to catch up.
-went to bars because there is nothing to do in Connecticut, at night at least.
-got surgery in my mouth because I'm preparing to get an implant so they had to put a bone above the hole where my front tooth is supposed to be. Rocked no tooth for about a week and a half total. In that time I went to a bar to have a drink with my old friend Kevin and people were staring at me...usually if people do stare at me I don't really notice, but since I didn't have a tooth I was on the look out of starers and there definitely were. Usually I'm the one staring! :)
-my boyfriend John came out for a 10 day visit. I planned his trip so that he got there on the day of my surgery so he could take care of me :)
-John and I went to the Maritime Aquarium; saw some sharks, turtles, jellies, otters, meerkats, and last but not least the seals. Spent maybe about an hour and a half there. We were done in an hour pretty much but decided to putz around since we had nothing else to do if we left!
-we also went to the city! we walked from grand central to FlatIron District, saw the awesome FlatIron Building (one of my favorite buildings ever, if you haven't seen it look it up). We continued walking to Union Square and went to some of the store there, then caught a subway headed downtown and got off at Spring St. and walked around there too. We went to TopShop! I love it! We then caught a subway off to Coney Island in Brooklyn, it took forever! It was pretty cool, but all the old rides of Coney Island were closed :( There was a new park in the making called Luna Park. It looked fun too, but I wish I could've seen the old park up and running. We took the subway back into Manhattan and went back to Spring St. and walked down to Little Italy and found a restaurant to eat at. It was very delicious, I love Italian food! :) (except lasagna, i fucking hate lasagna...that's how much I hate it) We then went uptown and met up with an old friend from Hyde, Alina, and literally walked in a huge circle because it was too late to sit at a starbucks and there were no bars around...but it was still fun to see her!
-John and I drove an hour and a half up to Kent Falls in Cornwall, Ct. It was so pretty! and people could swim there too which is awesome! we brought Harley and that was fun, she loves swimming! there was kind of a little swimming hole up at the top of the falls so we let her swim around there and we walked in the water too. The actual swimming hole was at the bottom of the falls, but there were a lot of ppl there and we didn't want Harley swimming there and people getting upset.
-I moved to Park City with my dad right after school ended...I'm pretty stoked to be in PC because I work up there and one of my best friend Brittany lives up there too. Also some other friends live there too if I ever get bored of hanging with Brit (hehehee jkkkk!) Brit and I moved everything out of our house in SLC. It sucked. and we took numerous trips to Chrissy's storage unit because we kept finding things that were hers haha but I can't complain because Brit and Chrissy have moved my stuff TWICE! I owe them!
Well, summer school starts in a couple days. I'm not too excited for that, but I have to do it or else I'd be behind again... bleehhh...
Work is still work. I'm used to having 2 jobs and now I only have one. I still work at J.Crew but I would like another job. I've been trying to find a nanny job since they pay so well but it doesn't look promising since everyone who is looking for a summer nanny is requiring everyday and I can't do that :/
If you haven't noticed already there are pics from my CT trip up top!
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