Saturday, November 22, 2008

8 Things About Me
(Stolen from Brittany, thank you!)

8 Favorite TV Shows
1. Gossip Girl
2. Weeds 
3. Lost
4. The Office
5. Hannah Montana!!
6. I don't really watch tv...
7. South Park
8. Seinfeld

8 Things I did Yesterday
1. Got my tire fixed with Taylor 
2. Got breakfast with Taylor
3. Paid power bill
4. Watched Weeds
5. Showered and got ready for the night 
6. Went to Park City with Taylor for dinner
7. Picked up Lyssa
8. Went to the Clown House 

8 Things I Look Forward To
1. Thanksgiving in Connecticut
2. Turkey Bowl
3. Starting work
4. Park City mtn. opening
5. Snowboarding!
6. Colorado with Lyssa!
7. California with Taylor before he leaves
8. Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy and Stuffing

8 Favorite Restaurants
1. Fuji (CT)
2. Cafe Rio (Utah)
3. Happy Sumo or nice sushi (UT)
4. Red Rock! (UT)
5. Park Cafe (UT)
6. Silver Star Diner (CT) 
7. Orems (CT)
8. Wilton Pizza (CT)

8 Things on my Wish List
1. Shopping Spree
2. Snow
3. Go to Italy
4. Drive across the country (i hear it sucks but i want to experience it just once)
5. Summer Internship 
6. Have my two best friends in one spot for more than a week, that's you callie and britton!
7. Do well in school...  
8. Taylor ha!

1 comment:

Alyssa Rhoda said...

i might steal this idea. its kinda cool. youre kinda cool. youre kinda cute. wanna go out?