Monday, November 17, 2008

Random pictures of my life

So this is my first post and I'm still trying to get the jist of it. I'm sorry if everything that follows this post is really confusing because honestly I'm confused too. Anyways here I go!
So this is the second weekend in October and it was snowing! So I went up and snowboarded at Brighton! Below, me and Shanny. Sick picture, probably one of my favorites!
The girls I hang out with. Pretty much my best and only girlfriends. I love them! I've been fortunate to find amazing friends at school! From left to right: Me, Teri, Aidan, and Steph. Missing: Brit

There is Bruiser! My roommate's Boxer. He's about 7 months old and a big dope! He's been so fun in the house, but we're still trying to get him to stop pooping in the house, he's been better though! Next to Bruiser is the kitty we caught. She's about 4 months old and she was a stray lurking around my house. My roommates and I could hear her at night purring and so we set out to catch her and finally did. When we first got her we didn't know if she was a boy or a girl and since she was a stray she was all grimey looking so we called her Mr. Grimes. My roommate took her to the vet to get shots and the vet said it was a girl so instead my roommate named her Isabella, Izzy for short. She's spoiled!
Taylor and Izzy on my bed :)

On the other side of my duplex. Some kids went to Idaho for a rail jam and brought home the coat and goggles that I'm wearing. Taylor, Ryan, Me

Teri and I enjoying the cowboys and indians party. It got pretty wild with all the paint

Mine and Taylor's 1 year anniversary. We actually don't know the actual date so we just picked a day in September to go out and celebrate. I got him a poster of The Beatles and a CTR ring for his mission. He made me a picture book of just us and blew up a picture and framed it for my wall.

So there it is. That is pretty much everything random so far!

1 comment:

paul said...

Hey peanut - what an awesome blog! i'm really glad you put this up! keep all the news and photos coming! love, dad